Project promoter: The Resister of Real Cultural Heritage
Project title: Fixus
Project code: LT04-2-KM-TF-001
Project title: Fixus
Project code: LT04-2-KM-TF-001
Eligible project coasts: maximum eligible cost of the project up to EUR 1 611 765, of which up to EUR 1 370 000,25 is Mechanism funds and up to EUR 241 764,75 is budget co-financing.
Project contract day: 12 December 2019
Project implementation period: 10 December 2019 - 9 December 2022
Project implementation period: 10 December 2019 - 9 December 2022
The Register of Real Cultural Heritage in Lithuania contains more than 20,000 individual or complex objects. Lithuania has a contrasting climate - cold winters, hot summers, heavy rainfall and high humidity. As a result, minor changes to objects that have been identified and repaired within a reasonably short period of time become the cause of major and significant damage to the object itself. The greatest damage to cultural heritage sites is due to lack of proper management, maintenance and preventive skills. At the moment here is no consulting or management service for owners and managers of cultural heritage sites in Lithuania. But it is truly needed to prevent further loos and erosion of cultural heritages sites and to prevent damage.
What will be done while implementing the project?
The project promoter will create three mobile teams - workshops to visit selected heritage sites, assess their condition, report, advise facility owners, managers, perform minor management - emergency threat work, and develop individual preventive maintenance plans. 200 cultural heritage objects will be selected and monitored during the project implementation period.
Target group for the direct benefit of the project: owners and managers of cultural heritage objects.
Project partners who will ensure successful results: Institutions with significant experience in the field of cultural heritage such as State Enterprise "Lithuanian Monuments", and two Donor project partners: KA Association for Employers in the Church of Norway and Norwegian Directorate for Cultural Heritage (Riksantikvaren).