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Well-being advisers will contribute to mental health strengthening in Lithuania

With the growing demand for mental health services, Welfare Counselors will soon take care of the emotional well-being of the population. They will provide low intensity emotional counseling services for mild signs of stress, anxiety, insomnia, depression problems. Specialists for this program will be trained by the Lithuanian Health Sciences University.
The aim is to help the society avoid more serious psychological disorders

According to the State Mental Health Center, 16 out of 1,000 people in Lithuania and 1 of 4 people in the world (according to the WHO) suffer from depression. The disease steals joy of life, changes family lifestyle, causes long-term incapacity for work. Depression decreases psychological resilience and social activity, but the most painful outcome of this disease is suicide. Although the number of suicides has been decreasing in recent years, Lithuania still remains in the first place in suicide statistics in Europe and in the top ten in the world. According to the Institute of Hygiene, the number of suicides decreased from 45 cases to 31 cases per 100 thousand in Lithuania since 2000 until 2016.
More and more methods are approved to help people deal with the first signs of depression, however shortage of psychologists stops the progress.

Good know-how of foreign countries is already in Lithuania

Great Britain, Australia, and Norway developed and began using low-intensity emotional counseling services to correct the first symptoms of possible depression 10 years ago. These services are not provided by psychologists or psychiatrists, but by the specialists, who have completed special training program - Well-being Advisers. The curriculum of the training program was developed on the basis of Cognitive Behavior Theory (KET), which had been recognized by scientists as being particularly suitable for the treatment of anxiety disorders and addictions.

From this year, Lithuania will also start providing low-intensity emotional counseling services . The Lithuanian University of Health Sciences has developed a training program that will successfully enable Well-being advisers to provide such services in Lithuania

Municipalities are invited to support the development of Well-being advisers network in Lihuania

Lithuanian municipalities are also invited to support the idea of strengthening of psychological health. Central Project Management Agency invites to apply for the project "Implementation of the Well-being Advisers Model" financing until 2021 September 7th.

The call for proposals is part of the Health Program funded by the European Economic Area and the Norwegian Financial Mechanism. More information about it and the conditions of application can be found here.

Particular attention should be paid to sleep and rest quality for a healthy life

When you feel anxious about sleep disorders, health professionals recommend reviewing your agenda. It is important that it provides space for walks in the fresh air, communication with loved ones and high quality 8 hours sleep daily. Proper nutrition is another important condition for psychological health. Fruits, vegetables and products high in fat ensure the smooth functioning of the nervous system. Elimination of sugar and alcohol from the daily diet helps to ensure emotional stability. If, in compliance with principles of a healthy lifestyle, someone still gets visited by negative emotions - specialists recommend not to accumulate them, but express in a nice way or write them down. If that doesn’t work, the best solution would be to visit a Well-being adviser.

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