Working together for green, competetive and inclusive Europe

Programme description




The Programme “Culture” aims to solve three main challenges identified in the culture sector in Lithuania:

  • uneven access to culture across the country,
  • lack of skills and capacity for cultural heritage preservation and management,
  • and low level of local cultural entrepreneurship.

Thus, the purpose of the Programme is to strengthen social and economic development through cultural cooperation, cultural entrepreneurship and cultural heritage management, while encouraging bilateral cooperation with donor project partners.

Programme title Culture
Programme code LT04
Programme grant A total of EUR 8 235 294 in funding has been allocated to the program, of which EUR 7 000 000 is an EEA grant, with the remainder coming from the national budget.
Programme contract day 2019 June 19
Programme implementation period The deadline for the implementation of projects under the program is 2024. April 30
The end of the program is 2024. 31 December
Programme Partner(s) Norwegian Directorate for Cultural Heritage, Riksantikvaren (Ra)
Arts Council Norway, ACN

To help improve access to culture, with the Open Call 1 “Supporting access to culture and strengthening cultural education” the Programme aims to increase the mobility of art and culture to reach excluded areas, including those with a high density of national minorities. To enhance cultural heritage management, a pre-defined projects “FIXUS” will establish three mobile teams which will reach out to local communities to introduce the practice of preventive maintenance of cultural monuments.

Further, with the Open Call 2 “Supporting local cultural entrepreneurship” the Programme will pilot the creative placemaking approach, an innovative, community-driven approach building on cross-sectoral partnerships. It promotes cultural entrepreneurship and regeneration to better harness local cultural resources for the benefit of local development. In addition, cooperation in the area of culture will contribute to further development of fostering bonds between cultural players in Lithuania and the Donor States.

What will the programme achieve and who are the beneficiaries?

The Open Call 1 aims to have 30 000 people attending supported events and have 300 individuals participate in educational activities. At least two projects will be related to social inclusion and anti-discrimination. An overall target is that 75% of people report increased access to cultural activities, according to national statistics.

The pre-defined project aims to train 120 people on cultural heritage management and organise 30 awareness building events.

The Open Call 2 aims to train 100 people in cultural entrepreneurship, involve 10 local stakeholders in entrepreneurial activities, and create 4 new local cultural services. Bilateral partnerships are expected to result in mutual beneficial activities and long-lasting cooperation between the involved parties.

Eligible applicants are are public or private entities, commercial or non-commercial and non-governmental organizations established as legal entities in the Republic of Lithuania. The grant rate is 90% of the total eligible expenditure of a project.

 Bilateral Relations Strengthening  Projects were implemented with a budget of € 22 057,21

Read detailed descriptions of project activities here
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