Working together for green, competetive and inclusive Europe

Programme description



Baltic Research Programme is a joint research program of three Baltic States: Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, funded from the funds of financial mechanism of the European Economic Area (EEA) States (Iceland and Liechtenstein) and Norway 2014-2021.
Programme goals
  • Consolidation of research potential of Baltic States, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.
  • Strengthening of regional cooperation in research relevant to the countries of the region.
  • Filling of the gap between the national research funding and the European Union Structural Assistance.
Participation in calls for proposals
  • Requirements for participants are provided within the calls.
  • During the programme period, three open calls are announced: one in Estonia, and one call in Latvia and one in Lithuania. Call for proposals, evaluation and implementation of projects selected for funding are administered by the programme operator, in the country of which the call for proposals is announced. The programme is implemented by the Research Council of Lithuania, the Ministry of Education and Science of Latvia and the Estonian Ministry of Education and Research.
  • Only Consortiums may participate in the calls for proposals. Requirements for consortiums are provided within the calls.
  • Proposals are submitted by the Project promoter and Principal Investigator of the country, where the call was announced. For example, Lithuanian institution together with Principal Investigator in Lithuania will submit proposal in the call announced in Lithuania. In calls for proposals announced in Estonia and Latvia, Lithuanian researchers may participate only as project partners.
  • Three independent experts evaluate proposals after the eligibility check. The decision on project funding is made by the programme committee consisting of delegated experts from Baltic and Donor States.
Project funding
  • Fundamental and applied research are funded. The priority topics of each call for proposals are established in consultation with the programme committee.
  • Requirements for the budget are provided within the calls.
Plan of calls for proposals, their envisaged budget, administrating institutions, applicants of proposals and partners:
Estonian call for proposals of 2018 6 million Euros Estonian Ministry of Education and Research Estonian researchers with researchers of countries participating in the programme
Latvian call for proposals of 2020 7 million Euros Ministry of Education and Science of Latvia Latvian researchers with researchers of countries participating in the programme
Lithuanian call for proposals of 2020  10 million Euros Research Council of Lithuania Lithuanian researchers with researchers of countries participating in the programme
Evaluation of the Baltic Research Programme under the 2014-2021 EEA and Norway Grants
The results of the call for proposals in Lithuania

79 applications (the list) from 19 Lithuanian research and study institutions were submitted in total for the Baltic Research Program call announced by the Research Council of Lithuania. The partners to carry out research projects led by Lithuanian researchers are 24 institutions from Latvia, 14 from Estonia, 34 from Norway, 6 from Iceland, and 1 from Liechtenstein. The applicants applied for the funds of almost 75M EUR. The average value of one project is 0.95M EUR.

The overview of applications submitted for the call in Lithuania.

Proposals received under this call have been checked for eligibility. The list of eligible proposals (77). Applications were evaluated by international experts. On October 6 2020, the Programme Committee of the Baltic Research Programme selected a list of projects recommended for funding. The list of the projects selected for funding. The list of non-funded projects.



Jūratė Devižienė

( Research Council of Lithuania)

Project manager of the Baltic Science Program ( Research Council of Lithuania)

+370 676 17212

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